(1) I walk into Frankfurt airport and what do I see? A glass room. In the middle of the airport. A glass room full of people smoking. I said ´yep, we´re deffinately in eurpore´.
(2) The curtains are on the outside. In our house atleast. Like all night before I go to sleep I have to turn this stick by my window into like a turning this and roll my light-blocking things down. Is strange.
(3) Germans use the word party as a verb. Translated: we are going to a party most of the time means we are going out to party. Only once for me has it meant we are going to a party... Confusing...
Photo´s- pretty much all of my photo´s are of scenery.. it´s just so beautiful! For you, a few:
Singpore airline throwing cocktails at us (...)
My face x6 on the big screen at singapore airport. I wanted to be on everyscreen but odviously I didn´´t take enough pictures :(
Pount-smiling on the train to my host family!!!
View from my window
Teaching NZ drinking games.. :p
600 year old house
Between a parade and parties in Furtwangen, they like burn a which. All the scary witch things below like dance around it, tis preey weird.
Witch and I (..) Don´t ask ahahhaha
OK, last night. Last night I forgot my camera- but Melanie, her boyf, her friend Carola (who speaks like amayzing english unfortunitely) and I rocked up to this small town Tenginbrough (Lots of people from my school go there so I guess it must be small) and I forgot my camera. But there was two tents, a small hall and a big hall with party party party. It was sooo full, there were so many people there and all in quirky coustumes. Because a few nights before we went to ´´party´ in this Furtwangen (which really meant watching them burn a witch and bar hopping) we spent most of our time ourside I was cold- this time I thought I´ll heaps of clothes on. So I wore a skirt, running tights, leggings, two tops, a scarf, and a big cardi and two singlets. and wolly socks. Of course I spent the whole time cramed between people dancing! I was so hot and I must of looked like such a dick. Well of course I took my scarf off and cardi but it was not like I could take my socks off or etc. What. an. idiot.
Yes so as I said I danced all night. Its much the same as NZ but different. You have way more actual couples dancing.. Then you still have those dorky boys like stompy in some kind of irish way in a circle. More people just dancing by themselves. Some do that weird european dacing by my self bop. But yu still have the real dancing in their ´cool nerd´´ gear with raybans and braces ´cept wore down not on. Or maybe that was their fasncht costume.. hmmm... hahah...
A highlight of the night for me, was I recieved a red band for entry (for 16 to under 18)and the guy didnt ask how old I was. So I went back to someone and said i need a green one i am 18 and they were like asking me for my passport or something and I was like I dont speak good german sooo they gave me a green band! Uhh victory is sweet..!
Yeah we, well more I, danced until two in the morning and when they asked me to leave.. what did I say: NEIN MAN: ICH WILL NOCH NICHT GEHEN! ICH WILL NOCH EIN BISSCHEN TANZEN! (its a song mum)
And today we went geo cashing. I think, I think you name a region and the computer says go here in this town and your like ok with this gps thing you find the spot and then you look under tree´´s and down holes for this little box and somehow you mark that you werent there. Yeah we couldnt´t find the box, but my host brother and dad love it- they are always doing it.
But then! Becuase we were in the area, (we were in Schonach) we went to visit a musema in Triburg. The musemum was closed for Fasnacht but the parade was on just as we arrived. It was so great! There were bon bons being throwed, one stall was giving out free beer and wine, however for them I managed to snag a fa-re-ro-roc-cher. Mhhaha!
The Highlight for me however, is there witch things were marching down with bells on their clothing and to make it louder they had to hop every so many steps. And one grabbed me and pulld me into the middle of the parade. I thought he was just being a panksta like they seem to do. These dressed up creatures with the ugly wooden hand carved masks, long hair and broom sticks are always hugging and teaing you. Most of the time I forget there is a human underneath. Anyway he grabbed me and walked me into the middle of the parade, I went along with it. Then all of a sudden I´m in this little red room with black curtans going along with the parade and this lady marks my cheeks with black paint and this little girl give me a shot thing to take and then I am kicked out. It was really amazingly weird and cool and great. I dont know if I told it that well but yeeee.
The room
Playing monopoly now, must go. Love j
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